Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys
Most of you use Microsoft Word pretty frequently in your day-to-day work.So, assuming those assumptions are correct, I’d like to help you improve your productivity by sharing the most useful Microsoft Word shortcut keys. Ctrl+W . Close the active window / document. Ctrl+Z . Undo an action. Ctrl+Y . Redo the last action or repeat an action. Ctrl+S . Save a document. Ctrl+P . Print a document. Ctrl+K . Insert a hyperlink. Alt+Left . Arrow Go back one page. Alt+Right . Arrow Go forward one page. Ctrl+C . Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard. Ctrl+V . Paste the most recent addition to the Office Clipboard. Ctrl+Shift+A . Format all letters as capitals. Ctrl+B . Applies or removes bold formatting. Ctrl+I . Applies or removes italic formatting. Ctrl+= . Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing). Alt, F, A . Save As. Alt, S, T, I . Insert Table of Contents. Alt, S, T, R . Remove Table of Contents. Alt, W, F . Full Screen Reading – Vie...