Unix Awk Script
Awk Script 1. Print Even number of words in each line from file Ans. awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(i%2==0) printf("%s ",$i) else continue printf("\n") }' file1 O/P:-= is command file created awk {file1:- this is awk command example this file is created for awk } 2. Display words having length greater than 10 and consists of digit. Ans. awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(length($i)>10) if(int($i)) printf("%s ",$i) else continue printf("\n") }' file2 O/p: 12345678912 {file2: this is number file 123445 123456789 hcd kkd 72 7832 12345678912 1234156789 124 edne 124de edj 12dw ds5 asjkdeyfendj fdej kjd faiuendhgej dk fdkfj87fdnj77n dfjn jhfd hude7634bfdef }