Web Designing Lab- Assignment-4 1 Write a jquery code to display the use of different selectors on different elements of html. 2 Write a jquery code to display the use of different events on different elements (including button) of html. 3 Write a jquery code to display the use of different effects on different elements (including button, image, box, text) of html. 4 Write a jquery code to display the use of DOM Traversing effects ( Ancestors, Descendants, sibling, and filtering) on different elements of html.
ADVANCE C ASSIGNMENTS Simple User Defined Function and passing One Dimensional Array 1. Write a user defined function to calculate simple interest. 2. Write a user defined function to interchange two character values. 3. Write a user defined function to sort one dimensional integer array. 4. Write a user define function to check whether inputted strings are anagram or not. 5. Write two user defined functions to find minimum and maximum from an array. 6. Write a menu driven program to calculate factorial of a number or print Fibonacci series using recursion. 7. Write a menu driven program to implement calculator using user defined functions. 8. Write a user defined function to find whether a given character is present in given string or not. 9. Write a user defined f...
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